Easy Remote Control with FelicitySolar WiFi Monitoring Platform

jihad 03 • November 13, 2024

The FelicitySolar WiFi module enables wireless communication and connectivity for the FelicitySolar inverter and battery system. With this module, users can seamlessly integrate wireless connectivity into their setup, allowing for efficient and flexible monitoring and control. FelicitySolar Wi-Fi module enables wireless communication between off-grid our inverters and monitoring platforms. Users have complete and remote monitoring and controlling experience for FelicitySolar inverters and batteries when combining the WiFi module with the FelicitySolar APP, available for both iOS and Android-based devices. All data loggers and parameters are saved in iCloud. 

Real-Time Monitoring and Control

FelicitySolar inverter and battery WiFi module provides a convenient and efficient way to access real-time data (including input and output voltage, current, and battery status), adjust settings, switch operating modes, and set charging parameters remotely, all from a connected mobile device or computer.

This advanced tech allows for real-time data tracking with setting adjustments and energy storage control in the hands of consumers — right from your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. Whether at home or on the go, you will get unparalleled convenience, control and peace of mind with your solar energy system using the FelicitySolar WiFi module.

Seamless Integration

FelicitySolar inverter and battery WiFi module seamlessly integrates into your existing FelicitySolar inverter setup. It is thoughtfully designed to work harmoniously with our various inverter and battery models, ensuring compatibility across a wide spectrum of applications.

Main Features of FelicitySolar WiFi Monitoring Platform

  1.   Users can remotely access and control their FelicitySolar inverter and Battery via WiFi.
  2.   Provides real-time data monitoring and status updates.
  3.   Convenience and ease of use.
  4.   Real-time dynamic graphs of inverter data
  5.   Cloud storage for history data and event log 
  6.   Remote monitoring and control of multiple inverters via mobile APP (iOS and Android) 
  7.   Parameter settings available (output setting, output priority setting, AC input range, battery setting etc.)
  8.   Available remote upgrade for your solar system. As long as your machine is online, FelicitySolar support staff can remotely upgrade your solar system in the background. 

Wrapping Up!

The system features real-time monitoring, easy-to-use controls and works seamlessly with the FelicitySolar Mobile app on a cloud service that allows users to control their energy from anywhere. In addition to the benefits of cloud storage, remote upgrades and customizable settings, this intelligent solution is a future-proof strategy for optimizing consumption of solar energy. If you are seeking a means of simplifying your solar system as much as possible while achieving the greatest efficiency, the FelicitySolar WiFi module is an invaluable little logistic weapon to make sure that you have complete control over your energy demands at all times.

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