Key Factors to Consider When Buying a FelicitySolar Battery

jihad 03 • November 20, 2024

Solar batteries store surplus power generated during the day for use when the sun goes down, or when it disappears behind the clouds. With a FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery you can use less electricity from the grid, resulting in a lower utility bill. 

Solar energy systems are one of the best projects to minimize electricity bills and become more independent. But, optimal use of your energy storage depends on selecting a good solar battery for your property. FelicitySolar provides solutions to store free solar power with LiFePO4 battery so that your electricity use is not restricted during cloudy days or at night. But how to choose which FelicitySolar battery is best for you? In this blog, we decipher the elements you need to take into account, from battery size to depth of discharge (DoD) and warranty so you choose wisely.

To choose the best FelicitySolar battery for you, here are some important things to consider:

Battery Capacity

The capacity of a FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery will determine how much electricity you can store, and how long the charge can last. Before selecting your FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery, start by determining your daily energy requirements. Once you have established your daily energy requirements and how much backup works for you, you can go on to decide on what FelicitySolar battery size works best, and what FelicitySolar+storage fits with your budget.

Depth of Discharge (DoD)

Depth of discharge (DoD) refers to the amount of charge you can use from your FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery before you affect its optimal performance. Our higher DoD means you can use more of your FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery capacity before you need to recharge it. For example, a 10 kWh FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery with 90% DoD means you should never use more than 9 kWh of its stored power. Exceeding this limit may shorten its lifespan significantly.


FelicitySolar LiFePO4 batteries in the USA are warranted for 10 years and come with a 70% end-of-warranty capacity guarantee. Your warranty kicks in when something goes wrong with your battery and it needs to be replaced or just needs a new part for a quick repair. FelicitySolar warranty covers the shipping of the replacement battery or parts required. 


Choosing the appropriate FelicitySolar battery depends on capacity, depth of discharge and warranty. With a well-matched battery, you will be able to optimize energy consumption. It also reduces dependence on the power grid as well as electricity expenses. A FelicitySolar LiFePO4 battery is a right-on long-haul, guaranteeing up to 10 years. It’s good to know how much energy you need and what features of the battery are going to give you in return. You can take the financial jump knowing that your chosen solution is going to charge your home efficiently for many years.

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